
Looking through the internet looking glass and of course it’s Google Chrome, who by the way seems to be having its issues as in crashing my movie night.  Yes, I was able to go out there on the mass super computer highway of chaos and manage to find the fix on some totally unknown and obscure site.  Now the question is to download or not.  Do I trust this unknown entity with my life essence and false sense of security?

While I am on this techno adventure I seek some quiet, sombre but delicate music to help with the creative flow.  I go to my browser in YouTube and type in “piano music” I then have a menu of choices and the one I pick says “Long Playlist of Relaxing Soft Piano Music to Sleep and Study By”  So I’m thinking “perfect” just what my over hyper brain needs in order to put it to rest.  So click and the first thing I see is an ad scene I didn’t ask for. The screen displays fast moving images, flashing colours and some outrageous vocal which makes no sense to these over sensitive ears (oh forgot, not sensitive at all, practically deaf) trying to sell me product I do not need and can never afford.  Then click again and I get into my piano music to quiet my mind.

The music flows through me settling the feelings of butterflies fluttering throughout my stomach and nerve endings, calming the panic my mind tends to experience from time to time.  The warmth of each fluid note sings a melody that fills my heart, feeds my life force and finally gives way to acceptance to relax my quivering body.  Its peaceful here, I wish I could stay here everyday.  To not have to deal with life’s intrusion but being able to create my own images, just by closing my eyes and mind.  This action is my choice, not those of the invisible developers, marketers and corporate controllers of our internet.

Then the music ends and a “Luminosity” ad appears.  I look over to the right bar loaded yet again with more ads, I did not ask for.  What do I see below the next playlist link but “woman burned by McDonald’s hot coffee”.  Now what does that have to do with my search for quiet piano music?  How does that even happen when there is absolutely nothing remotely connective with my search and that information?  What are they trying to gain by this unrelated and unwanted negative information?

Oh well, a question for another day.  Its 7 am I’ve been awake all night and the sun is peeking through the clouds.  It’s now time to open my eyes, my mind and my body and receive the musical notes of the day. Filled with beautiful earth tones and life being lived.   All too soon, I’ll be back on that highway of controlled music with unwanted information and indoctrination at its best.

See you next trip.

Side-note:  Indoctrination  Merriam-Webster description “to teach (someone) to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs.”

World Enslavement by Tony Samuels

“Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal – that there is no human relation between master and slave.” - Leo Tolstoy
“Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal – that there is no human relation between master and slave.”
– Leo Tolstoy

We live in an age where all secrets can be uncovered. An age where the old ways of power and control are unraveling. We have become slaves, who feed a machine that refuses to recognize that it is only as good as the workers who feed and maintain it. The machines of control are found in the military who ensure never ending war.  Follow the money to find where the power hubs lie. Who supplies all the munitions and is making all the money off of our fears? Who is the true threat?

Why is it that on our planet with so much abundance, that we are so dependent on big oil and fossil fuels? We have enough technology to work in harmony with the earth. Instead we allow a few to rape and pillage earth’s resources with an unfair redistribution of its wealth. Once again follow the money. Who hurts the most financially, with an attempt to implement a new way of doing things?   Solar energy, wind turbines, tidal and Hydro electric power, bio fuels, the list is growing of the technologies which are being suppressed to keep control of ever increasingly expensive markets.

What about the all-out war on our food supply? We have been brainwashed into counting calories instead of chemicals. Family farms are being taken over by big agra, who fights daily to gain control of our food supply, while offering us the illusion of health and naturalness. Why is it that the three biggest money makers in our food industry are chemical companies (Monsanto, DOW, and Chargill) who bring us substantial equivalence instead of the nutritive food fair that has kept us alive and healthy since the dawn of time.  Why do we allow them to attempt to control and modify the world’s organic seed supply. GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) that has corrupted the food chain and headed us into an area that we may not be able to return from. Did you know that Bill Gates and Monsanto have built, and own a not so secret Arctoc cryogenic heirloom seed vault, buried under tons of ice? Why would they be in cahoots to solve the world’s hunger problem by becoming the money makers in corrupting and owning our food supply with GMO’s?  Do you know that in some states in the U.S. it is now illegal to have a home garden? Where does the money lead and who is getting rich on a system that doesn’t live up to the hype nor the manipulated and suppressed information coming from the doctored research?

What about our illusionary monetary system (banks and stock markets) along with the dominance of economic control. The illusion of money, profit and of free trade only moves jobs overseas and kills manufacturing, as corporate control of our government allows these very companies to make unheard of profits and reduce expenses on our behalf. We are 7 billion+ slaves who work for a system that no longer has our best interest at heart. The rich getting richer has never been as true as it is today. What is equitable when the world’s biggest department store chain (Walmart) becomes this biggest welfare recipient. Don’t believe me, well there are more Walmart employees who are dependent on welfare and food stamps because Walmart pays minimum wage. What is wrong with providing a living wage when you are the world’s richest company? If a company is only as good as its workers what is wrong with providing a livable wage. We truly are enslaved.

There are more people on this planet who want change than there are those who do not. Who will our governments bail out with the next worldwide economic collapse? It won’t be you and I.

We live in a world where corporate own our governments and these same entities willingly poison our food supply for profit. All of this to feed a health care system that is slowly eroding and deteriorating, with increasing costs and dwindling service. We then have a pharmaceutical industry that is intent on masking symptoms instead of finding and delivering cures. With intent to gain profit on medicinal patents coming to market, which actually have more contra indicators and side effects than the issue they attempt to address.

We now live in a time where we have to make tough choices. In a world that wants to live in peace with a roof over our heads, food on the table and the ability to enjoy the fruits of our labor, we are manipulated into complacency.

So how do we collectively invoke change. The first step is awareness of the problems. The second step is to acknowledge the need for change. The third step is to start the change yourself with small steps at first and then move outward like a ripple in the water. It will be hard at first because we have all become comfortable in our misery.

Start with the things you eat. Buy local and eat organic when you can. Reduce the consumption of pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. Start a new garden when you can and share your bounty with your neighbors. To reduce the amount of hard work that it takes to plant, grow and sow your harvest, create a list of things each family will grow to increase the variety of fresh food available to all the families who join the cooperative. Each family grows different crops which are shared with each other at harvest. Reduce the amount of process food ingested. Todays processed foods contain more chemicals, dyes and fillers than natural ingredients. Avoid foods with corn, soy and sugar beets (processed into high fructose corn syrup, fructose and other sweeteners) as 90 percent of these crops are now GMO’S!! Avoid aspartame, not only is it a GMO product, it is derived from the excrement of a genetically modified ecoli bacteria. Aspartame also breaks down into formaldehyde when ingested and cannot be digested. Avoid these GMO’S and lobby to have them labeled in our food supply. Our money talks when companies won’t listen. Affect profit and we affect what they will produce. As they have always said money talks. Talk to your local grocer about the integrity of the food they supply. Walmart does not concern itself with the amount of GMO products on its shelves (70%+) and this is another area where your dollars count. Do not buy your food at Walmart. The money you save now will cost you a lot more later if you do. Europe already has the same products we buy here but it is illegal for the food manufacturers to use any GMO ingredients.

Talk to your family, talk to your friends, take control back of what you put in your body. Some companies are starting to listen to us, as consumers already. Go on the Internet and do the research, there is a wealth of information out there.

As we move forward and others jump on board, this groundswell will assist us in coming together to tackle the other issues being banks, insurance, fossil fuels, big farma and big pharma, the military industrial complex and the growth in militaristic police forces. We can reduce our reliance on the pharmaceutical industry by taking back control of our food manufacturers, and become responsible for our own health.

All journeys begin with the first step and we have a lot of steps to take to ensure the world is a better place for our future generations. It starts here and it starts now.