Cycle One Complete

Well cycle one of my chemo is now complete and I’m just coming off my no chemo week heading into cycle two.  Outside of a couple of off days I managed to weather the effects.  Mostly, it was the sore throat which salt water gargles helped a lot and then there was the fatigue which seemed to be worse on some days but not others.  So for those days I just laid low watched TV and napped with my little fur ball angels.

Julie Roberts in similar neck brace
Julie Roberts in similar neck brace …

The best news though was from the Neurosurgeon at St. Michael’s in Toronto Dr. Das.  Who after several hours and a number of x-rays and an MRI informed me that my neck which had the stage 4 cell and which caused a collapse in my neck and required five doses of radiation was healing aligned and that the neck brace could come off, only to be used while driving and when my neck got tired because of lack of muscle tone after three months in the brace.  The neck will still require an additional 4-6 weeks to have the bone totally healed over, plus the chemo I’m receiving will hopefully stop any further growth and best of all no neck surgery required.  Lucky girl I am…

So, off for my blood work tomorrow and then Wednesday take my seat in the big blue chair and enjoy the company of all the other blue chair folks swapping stories and sharing the experience and the support and I will keep remembering that I got through the neck crisis and now I can totally focus on healing my lungs with no further distractions and maybe enjoy another bowl of chicken noodle soup on Wednesday…

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