Tag Archives: Kim Coates

Sons of Anarchy

Sons of AnarchyiView on Sons of Anarchy –  I knew this series was starting up its sixth season and I’ve had so many people telling me that it is a must see.  My sister just happened to have all the previous seasons, so I set myself up with the task of watching and finding out what everyone was talking about.  Four days later and after many, many hours glued to my TV screen both night and day I watched and came up for air only to get something to eat and sleep for a few hour.  I was hooked.

This is a wonderful well written TV series that for any baby boomer who lived through the 60’s and 70’s with Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll.  You will definitely relate to the terrific developed characters and the ongoing story lines in this series.  If you bought a bag of weed, or any other type of recreational drug … you are in.   We Canadians may not have been a big part of the heavy gun buying as shown in the show (that’s more on the American’s) but, we did have our extreme and scary gangs dealing in drugs and other criminal activities such as, Hells Angels, The Bandidos, Satan’s Choice, Lobo’s, Outlaws just mention a few and crime bosses such as  Hamilton native Johnny Papalia,  and Montreal resident Sicilian-born Nicolo Rizzuto.  So I know for a lot of you this series will definitely bring home some memories.  For me I was always on the fringe and did spend some “Wild Days and Wild nights” with a biker chick friend … occasionally.

Check it out….